Your Go-To Monthly
Practice to Nourish Yourself

Are you…

😵‍💫 Tired of society’s toxic hustle/burnout and the never ending loop of production, achieving, and pushing?

🚰 Ready to pour back into yourself and feel nourished
in mind, body, and soul

💆‍♀️ Looking for a consistent self-care practice that’s filled with
ease, pleasure, and softness?

🌳 Wanting to feel more grounded, more present,
and connected to your body and nature?

😈 Down to rebel against current toxic systems
and reclaim your own stories?

Then you are in the right place, friend.


The Nourish Club

What People Are Saying About
The Nourish Club

"It's a little boost of something you don't realize you need." - Kimberly C

"It's a little boost of something you don't realize you need." - Kimberly C

"This is incredibly beneficial for my sanity." -Dana M

"This is incredibly beneficial for my sanity." -Dana M

"It was powerful and so helpful. Thank you." -Vanessa B

"It was powerful and so helpful. Thank you." -Vanessa B

Unhurry into a life of ease, joy, and nourishment with this FREE visualization and attunement.

Reclaiming Your Own Rhythms
aka: the way we take our life back

Ever heard "nothing blooms all year round"?

Yet, society demands constant production, pushing us beyond exhaustion.

Remember, it's not your fault.

These systems weren't designed for our well-being but for endless output.

Our ancestors thrived by honoring the natural cycles—planting in spring, thriving in summer, gathering in fall, and resting in winter.

This ancient wisdom, deeply rooted in many cultures and Indigenous traditions, invites us to reconnect with the cyclical nature of life.

The Nourish Club uses these rhythms as a guide, helping you to not only support your mind/body/soul but also to reclaim your own seasons, release the guilt of resting, and walk your own path.

By embracing these natural cycles, you're also taking a stand against the toxic pressures of hustle, capitalism, and more. Join us in this gentle rebellion, and start your journey to a more nourished life.

Why Join The Nourish Club?

😵‍💫 Escape the Burnout
Move beyond the endless cycle of hustle and rediscover what it means to have more ease.

🚰 Deep Nourishment
Replenish your mind, body, and soul with practices rooted in ease and softness.

💆‍♀️ Consistent Self-Care
Embrace a routine filled with pleasure and grounding activities that connect you to your true self.

🌳 Reconnect with Nature
Find grounding and presence by aligning with the earth's natural rhythms.

Get a taste for The Nourish Club by checking out September 2022 fall session:

You deserve a life that you’re excited about, that feels good. A life that is filled with happiness, nourishment, support, and ease.

Hi, I’m Ryan — your guide on this journey.
And I’m an Energy Healer and Intuitive.

I felt disconnected, burnt out, and lost before I found my own energy healer 6 years ago.

At the time, I was living fast and barely hanging on. I kept wanting life to slow down, to go slower so I could appreciate it more. 

I dabbled in the things that others suggested: meditation, green smoothies, yoga, daily gratitude lists. But nothing truly shifted.

I then stumbled upon an energy therapist and I saw more positive development in 5 months than I had in 5 years.

Things continued to shift deeper for me when I began to unlearn hustle and grind society’s and turned towards a slower way of life.

I started to pay attention to the moon, created my own seasonal rituals, connected further to the natural world, became consistent in my practices to nourish myself, and observed personal healing patterns. These practices completely changed how I showed up in the world and also made me feel so grounded, connected, and empowered. It was the last piece of the inner nourishment I needed.

The natural cycles gave me my own road map that wasn’t prescriptive. It gave me enough of a framework to have freedom and to flow into what feels good. And now I live a life supported completely by the rhythms: the moon, the seasons, my period.

And I’m excited and honored to support you on your own natural rhythms journey.

Kind Words from Clients

What’s The Nourish Club all about?

The Nourish Club offers you two energy healings each month, aimed at rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit, and smoothing out the stresses of daily life.

These sessions are your foundation for deeper well-being.

Plus, Some Extra Goodies:

♻️ Seasonal Parties
Dive into our 60-minute live ceremonies to welcome each season with purpose and connection. It's your moment to align with the earth's rhythms and set intentions that resonate with your journey.

🛠️ Aftercare Hub
Discover an array of resources in our Aftercare Hub, designed to support your well-being long after the session. Consider it your personal spiritual toolkit.

Who is this for?  

This is for you if:

✅ You’re ready to have your cup overflow-eth.

✅ You’re intrigued by the idea of slowing down and being intentional— interested in what that might look/feel like and how you could incorporate that into your own life.

✅ You’re grateful to have a built in time to take care of yourself.

✅ You’re down to take responsibility for your journey and be an active and mystical creator of your own life.

✅ You’re done with the burnout from society’s expectations and all the do, push, achieve and are ready to say yes to being and receiving.

This is not for you if:

🙅 You're not in a good place to dive deep into shadow work, limiting beliefs, or self-work.

🙅 You aren't ready to step out of your comfort zone.

🙅 Your nervous system and life aren't ready for massive change.

🙅 You're looking for a quick fix or someone to do all the work for you.

🙅 You are racist, homophobic, or pick and choose who deserves human rights.

The Nourish Club FAQs

How often are the energy healing sessions, and how long do they last?
You receive two 30-minute energy healing sessions. These sessions are held in a group format on the 1st Sunday and the 4th Wednesday of each month.

How long is the membership?
The membership is now rolling, so you can join whenever you like and leave whenever you like.

How much does the membership cost?

Enjoy an introductory price of $18 a month (valid through the end of spring).

Are there any scholarships?
Yes. At this time, there are 2 (two) half scholarships — 50% — for those with marginalized identities.
If you are interested, please email me.

Will the healings be recorded?
Yes. Once a healing has been uploaded, you will have access to the energy healings for at least a year.

What are the seasonal ceremonies?
These live sessions are a place to come together and celebrate the upcoming season as a community.

During these calls, we will honor the change in seasons, celebrate each other, create visions for the upcoming months, answer any questions you might have, receive energy healing, and more.

What is the Aftercare Hub?
The Aftercare Hub is a private resource center, created to extend support for those who were working 1:1 with me. It has tools that are designed to support wellbeing and help you out on your healing journey. Some examples of tools include a nervous system aftercare energy healing and a manifestation visualization.

Is there any homework or coursework involved?
This membership is all about receiving. If you feel called to journal about our sessions, then please do so. However, there is no “official” homework or coursework.

This is not a membership where you have an abundance of content at your fingertips. The objective here is not to overwhelm or oversaturate, the goal with this membership is to give you just what you need.

Why energy healing?
Energy healing is a gentle yet potent tool for the well-being of mind, body, and spirit. It soothes and supports your nervous system, releases emotional blockages, reprograms the subconscious, and enhances overall well-being. By enabling profound personal transformation and paving the way to manifest your dreams, energy healing is not just a treatment—it's a journey towards a nourished mind, body, and soul. Imagine the transformative power of regular sessions over six months; the potential for growth and change is boundless.